Last Residential Weekend :'(

The 2-month long Orientation Programme has finally come to an end… Although that frees up a lot of time for us, we’re all feeling a little lost without spending our Tuesday nights together! Of course, though, everyone’s still busy preparing for the Pre-Departure Concert and for the actual trip itself!

ANYWAY, must talk about our last residential weekend first!

Our last residential weekend (Aug 30-31, 2008) was held at NACLI... and i think it was the most exciting weekend EVER!!! on the first evening, after all the speeches, it was ANGEL REVELATION TIME!!!

so we finally found out who those presents (or lack thereof) were coming from!

after the revelation we all went out for supper at Fongseng. Why is this bloggable? because NACLI usually locks itself up (no actually the guards lock the gate) at 11pm, so no one's supposed to enter or exit after 11pm. we'd have to wait till the next morning! this resulted in us calling in supper from Mac's for more than 2 weekends already.

BUT... because it was our last weekend, exceptions could be made, right? so we spoke to the guard about it and went off for supper at Fong Seng (WHY WASN'T THIS DONE EARLIER!!) but actually to be exact we ate at The Cheese Prata Place, not Fong Seng, although the entire stretch is often collectively referred to as Fong Seng.

Okay its not our first time there, but this time we have so many of us! We found out that other than being a security guard at Ping Yi Sec, Rezal (mao mao maomaomao) was also an abang at the cheese prata shop! he came around and started taking orders - how efficient!

after supper we were all so tired. so we went back and had a good night's rest.......

only to wake up late the following morning!!!!!!

many of us didnt even brush teeth when we ran down for our usual PE lessons with Mr Rezal and Ms Ang.

This time they decided to torture us by making us run up the hill to Kent Ridge Park... where we had a crash course on Singapore history with Ms Tng at Point266 (i'm randomly quoting)... which is part of the hill where we can oversee the drain where many Malay soldiers jumped across when escaping the Japanese soldiers after days of fighting on the hill.

It was a little solemn at first but when jogging back to NACLI we decided to start cheering! and the many healthy Singaporeans who were also jogging at KR Park on a Sunday morning were amazed by our cheers! Some even cheered along! Cheers are contagious.

The afternoon was less exciting, though equally fruitful... we had a meeting with the Orientation committee to conclude the Orientation Programme... only to be told how often we still had to meet up thanks to cultural practices!


i'd like to cheer hanzhi and tuty on for contingent booklet, siti for cultural performance ... and many others who have other things to rush. JIAYOU!

That's all for now!! BYE!

sorry to burst your bubble this entry was written by yours truly,


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