
I guess the thick dust of cobwebs is really causing everyone to run away from this blog!

Frankly speaking, I MISS SPYs!!!! Oh to the good old days! Its been literally 2 years since we had our trip and the crazy mad sessions of meetings and outings. The ups (where all those fun outings and crazy night suppers + going all out to go against the YL a.k.a Whale - HAHAHAHA!) and the downs (where all go mad crazy with all those loggies stuffs which the logs team did awesome job!). Think about that make me reminisce the fun times we had! Heex.

Anyways, how's everyone doing eh?? I supposed all busy working and studying like mad cow! Bahs! Tats just so yucks!
Hope to see you guys during the homestay matching ceremony...miss everyone of you :)

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